Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Shack

I just finished reading "The Shack" by W.M. Paul Young. THE BEST BOOK I'VE EVER READ! I read it in less than 48 hours, which for me is something. If you've read it, then you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't read it, you need to get on your library's waiting list or by it off Amazon...right now! It will change your life. If it doesn't change your life, you need to read it again. I'm praying that everyone who reads this book is significantly changed, in ways that only God can help with. It's time to step out of the darkness and into the Light...for good! For always!

There are some of course, that will discredit the book and author. Don't let that deter you. IT's WONDERFUL!

I pray you're all well. Scott and Erika, I was so sad to hear of your pastor's passing. What a burden for your church body to bear. I will pray for you and them, that God's goodness will be revealed within the hurt and sorrow of this great loss.

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