Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas season

First of all, I love the Christmas season. I don't particularly love the crowds or the materialism of the season (yes, I had the longest Christmas list of my whole family...what of it? ; ) ) But I do love the music, the snow, the lights, the celebration of the birth of my savior. I know that's cliche' but there is something I really cherish about sitting next to a window, watching the snow fall, listening to Christmas music and reading or doing my Bible study...with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate...with peppermint schnapps (I guess that's Jesus' favorite too) It's quiet and peaceful. When I day dream, I'm doing that very thing....Also, I'm a gift giver. Of course some of you may be saying..."Oh really? What'd you get me this year?" funds limit me of course.

This year we headed off in a neighbor's truck to get our tree, a scotch fur, $18..a total steal....and decorated it the next night. The "put all the ornaments in one spot" trick never gets old does it?

Craig and I have enjoyed making our Christmas gift list and shopping for others. Jack also made a 40 item list that I'm sorry I didn't scan and show you....too funny...I think a train was on there...not a toy train...a real train.

They both have one more week of school then they're out for 2 weeks. They both love to play in the snow so they'll look forward to that, plus going "up north" for Christmas. We are looking forward to seeing everyone!!!! Merry Christmas!