Sunday, October 4, 2009


Greetings, all. So here it is...fall. My house has made the transition. My garden is dead, after an unexpected frost....the pumpkins are out.....all that's left is a trip to the orchard. Which we are saving until my parents come back through town.....

Let's see what's happened since my last entry.....My parents have been down to visit a couple times, as has Jim. This last visit from Jim (last week) was a babysitting visit. I went to Ft. Myers, FL to visit my grandma for her 82 birthday, a tradition I've had since my grandpa passed away 7 years ago. It takes some juggling of time and people, but it's worth it for me to spend some time with her. The boys missed me,but enjoyed the 'spoiling' that went on in my absence. Trips to Costco, for samples, trips to Menards, for ......whatever, good food, video games, constant attention on a multitude of topics.....trips to Target for coloring supplies.....thank you, Jim. For taking care of my boys while I was away! I truly appreciate it!
The boys are enjoying school, and like ever year, we always have some rigamaroll.....getting Jack settled. But this year has been the easiest yet, which we are grateful for, and expect every year, as he remediates. Heath loves school and wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't have a little crush on his teacher...(I'm not jealous...simply commenting...; ( ) Anyhoo......

Not much new, besides what I've mentioned. No new pictures. Sorry. No new singing from Heath either. Sorry.

As fall continues, I will post any goings you!

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