Saturday, June 6, 2009

End of the school year...

Well it's the end of the school year, again. I don't remember what it was like when I was still in school. What was that last day like? I'm sure there was some sort of euphoria...but I don't remember exactly, enough to describe it. I had wonderful summer vacations. They were full of magic. Scott and I, a lot of times, made our own magic, but it was fun. (who could forget us hacking out the lot next to our old house...we both got such bad poison ivy...ugh....) I love the sun and I love the events of summer. Summer activities. Water. Fires outside. Camping. Boating. Sparklers. Later bedtimes. Traveling. The smells. My parents did a great job providing us with wonderful activities-which made for wonderful memories...thanks, Mom and Dad!

We often times got to see our family more. Grandparents and Aunt Cindy. Sleep overs. Water fights. I have so many wonderful memories. I played softball a few summers....I was practicing diligently my basketball skills to prepare for the following season. Trips out east....trips our west......I love the summer.

Now that it is here, I make those same plans in my mind for my boys. Trips 'up north', water balloons, trips to the park, boating, sparklers, later bedtimes, trips to Chicago, swimming in the pool out back....smores.....visiting family...things that I know will build memories for them. Like me, they hate wearing shoes outside....they love the sun....the smell of sunscreen...yum!

Jack had his last day of 1st grade yesterday (and Heath the week before) was a busy fin
al week. I'm glad to have them home and it will be nice to be together after a long school year. I went to field day at their school which was nice. (it was competitive, not communist ; ) ) They handed out ribbons at the end of the is Jack with his....
Most of you, I will see over the summer and I look forward to it! Thanks for logging on and reading my 2 cents....Love you all!

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