Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Birthday, Emma

Today is day 7 of Spring Break. My parents came down for a few days and the boys and I enjoyed it very much! We watched the Final Four tournament and rode bikes and played cards and also played the Wii!
Also, today is Emma's birthday. Happy birthday, Nonnie! Wish we could be there to help celebrate! We are thinking about you today.

For you who have been waiting for another performance from it is is taking a little more coaxing these days to get him to perform. This footage was taken in his bedroom alone, and only after he was promised cookies if he would sing. Ugh, what a diva huh? ; )

We hope you're all well. We love to have company....come visit us. We are thankful for our family and friends who love and support us. I also want to take this time to remember out Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who sacraficed His life so that I could have eternal life with Him, even though I've done nothing to deserve it.

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