Monday, January 26, 2009

Girls weekend part deux

Good morning, all! It is -5 degrees here right now! But, there was a beautiful sunrise that I praised God for on the way to school.

This weekend I went north to the "Lakehouse" to spend some time with my Grandma Clarke. We got together for a "girls' weekend" in the fall and both enjoyed it so much, I thought we should do it break up this long winter. My parents' house was "closed up" while they are in Florida for 6 weeks, so I had to "turn it back on" so to speak, but it was worth it. It was so fun and peaceful. It was cold but sunny. We watched a movie, ate pizza, drank wine, talked....talked ...talked......played cribbage, which she beat me, both games!!! (that may have been the wine) No, she won fair and square. We played ping pong and read our books. It was very nice.

Not a lot new here....oh yeah, Craig's hours have been cut at work, so we are looking for ways to suppliment that pay. Please be praying that we will be wise and trusting in God. We aren't worried, just patiently seeking God's will. (always a new challenge for us to rise to) God will bless us and has carried us thus far. Thank you all for your consistent prayers for us. We need them! Til next time!

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