Sunday, October 26, 2008

Carving Pumpkins, swimming at the Y!

It's that time of year: where we get ready for all hallows eve and everything that goes along with it.....but seriously, it is that time of year....we are decorated and costume ready, with pumpkins carved! Here are some pictures of our weekend...

If you can't tell, the pumpkins have a "Winnie the Pooh" theme. Eeyore and Lumpy. (can you guess who did which one?) After we carved pumpkins we went to the Y. The boys are really enjoying swimming...actually we have Jack signed up for swimming lessons in November and Heath signed up for soccer.

Well, that's it for now. Hope everyone is having a nice autumn. Winter is just around the corner. We're looking forward to Thanksgiving;some of you we will be seeing and some of you, we wish we were seeing. Love you all!

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